Adhd Rascals

Public Announcement

This is support / accountability buddy / body doubling group for people with ADHD/Autism/other NDs. Let's hyperfocus to build a supportive community and smash those bosses! We're looking for party members who are active, have adhd/autism/other NDs and use focumon to help with executive dysfunction and other time tracking - to share tips/tricks, - to be accountability buddies, - body doubling together - to support and cheer each other even for tasks that NT folks find trivial, you know what I mean 😉 If you recognise yourself in one (or more) of these, we already have a lot in common and could help each other: - late diagnosed, - trying to figure out adhd + "adult life" (money issues, struggle with chores, problems at workplaces, burnouts...) - you are working on learning how to work with own brain as opposed to forcing yourself to adapt to other people's expectations (eg not beating yourself why you didn't do this that way as NT people do and such) - you want to work on your hobbies relatively regularly (especially if you've conquered that, I'd like to hear your secrets 😁) Oh and regarding focumon - be active here, want to smash bosses and otherwise support the team - your current levels don't matter, just desire to grow 😉 - you'll join us on discord to chat together through focumon server: Join us and tell us more about yourself and reasons for joining us :) and welcome :)
Sign up to join!